Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 4

I have to admit, day 4 was my toughest so far. It was a cloudy day, I was run down from waking up with the littlest one and I was just plain tired. But....I pushed through, even made some for on the go while running Mommy errands. The hardest part of the day was going to the grocery store in the evening shopping for my family. So when I got home I had just. 1/3 of an avocado with some lime juice on top and I was again soaring!!

When I woke up today (day 5). I literally was a new woman, I cranked up the music, got the juicer going first thing and made my first drink, prepping the next two as well. I can't wait to get jumping on my trampoline and do some crunches and maybe even some 5lb weights for my arms too!

Happy Juicing!

Stay tuned for more of day 5 updates and a post on composting!

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