Thursday, January 10, 2013

Holiday Season Wrap up

So yes, I did slack on the blogging the past few months. It's almost if I had the "Holiday Blues". Constant sick kiddos, holiday shopping, and the high standards I always set in my head for "the perfect holiday season" with a checklist of things that are supposed to make it feel perfect. Well this year was the complete opposite of that and probably the most special for our family. Here are some highlights of the season and due to our weird schedule we celebrated on different days but it worked for us!

1. Our usual trip to the local Christmas tree farm ended early due to the tree we picked having a split tree trunk and our tired toddlers. So off my hubs and 4 year old went to Lowes and came home with a gorgeous tree that's was $20.00 bucks cheaper! Maybe this will be a new tradition?

2. Our usual Christmas card on the beach, (one year in Maui), ended up being our 1st card on our front porch with the whole pet crew in it. It was quick, easy and done in 5 minutes!

3. Our train never got put up due to our new goldendoodle puppy and her love of chewing. This one I do feel bad about : ( but the pup is Soo worth it ; )

4. Our usual fancy smancy dinner on Christmas Eve was cancelled due to my kids kinda being in that "not good in a expensive restaurant phase", you Moms know exactly what I mean!! So we went to a quick sushi dinner and my 4 year old mastered the practice chop sticks, I was a proud sushi Momma!

5. Santa came after the New Years ball dropped, New Year's Day was our "Christmas Morning" . Kids didn't know any different and it really felt so much more relaxed. Now if we had a choice I would have gone with the 25th but our schedule was not in our control. It did prolong the Christmas feeling though doing it later! It just proves Christmas is a feeling not a day!!

All the things that made it different this year made it all the new and fun!

So... On to 2013!

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